
ソリッドステート(集積回路や基板による制御式)ピンボール機に用いられるMPU(microprocessor unit)は、メーカー及び時代によって様々です。ここではそれらのメーカーのうちのいくつかについて、その機種をMPUごとに分けて示します。対象機種は原則として業務用に量産されたピンボールとします(例外あり)。情報の多くはInternet Pinball Database及びPinsideを基軸としていますが、他の情報源から補完した部分もあります。

掲載順はブランド名と製造時期を考慮したものです。製造時期(もしくは開発時期)に関する情報については諸説存在するものがあるので、当サイトの掲載内容はあくまで目安として下さい。なおMPUのバージョンごとに機種名をグループ分けしているため、あるブランド名において「あるMPUのグループ」と「その次のMPUのグループ」を連続で見たときの機種名の並び順が製造時期での並び順の通りにはならない状況が発生します(開発順序と製造順序が前後していた場合など)。また製品自体のブランド名とは異なるブランド名の冠されたMPUを使用している機種があります(Ballyブランドの機種でのWilliamsのMPU, のちに合同名称で扱われることになったData East/SegaのMPU及びSega/SternのMPU)。

2010年頃からの機種には、何種かのバージョン(プレミアムエディション, リミテッドエディション, 等々)が存在します。そのような機種でも同じMPUが用いられていればバージョン名を省いて機種名のみを掲示することで簡略化しています。

デザインや企画等の関連で別組織(社外スタッフ)が関わっている機種ではブランド名にその名称を付記していることがあります(new Stern)が、定義が厳密ではない部分があります。また特に同一のデザイナーについて着眼されるとき、社外スタッフとして参加した場合の個別ブランド名称(PLDやSRP)は社内スタッフとしての在職時には付記されませんので留意して下さい。

MPU: 38種, 機種名: 439種 (2025年1月まで)

Bally MPU AS-2518-17 (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Freedom 1976-12 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
Night Rider 1977-02 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
Evel Knievel 1977-06 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
4 Eight Ball 1977-09 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
5 Power Play 1978-01 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
6 Mata Hari 1978-04 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
7 Black Jack 1978-06 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
8 Strikes and Spares 1978-06 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
Bally MPU AS-2518-35 (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Lost World 1978-08 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
The Six Million Dollar Man 1978-10 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
Playboy 1978-12 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
4 Voltan Escapes Cosmic Doom 1979-02 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
5 Supersonic 1979-03 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
6 Star Trek 1979-04 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
7 Kiss 1979-06 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
8 Paragon 1979-06 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
9 Harlem Globetrotters on Tour 1979-09 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
10 Dolly Parton 1979-11 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
11 Future Spa 1979-12 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
12 Nitro Ground Shaker 1980-01 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
13 Silverball Mania 1980-02 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
14 Space Invaders 1980-04 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
15 Rolling Stones 1980-05 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
16 Mystic 1980-06 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
17 Hotdoggin' 1980-07 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
18 Viking 1980-07 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
19 Skateball 1980-09 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
20 Frontier 1980-11 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
21 Xenon 1980-11 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
22 Flash Gordon 1981-02 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
23 Eight Ball Deluxe 1981-04 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
24 Embryon 1981-06 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
25 Fireball II 1981-06 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
26 Fathom 1981-08 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
27 Medusa 1981-09 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
28 Centaur 1981-10 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
29 Elektra 1981-12 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
30 Vector 1982-02 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
31 Mr. & Mrs. Pac-Man Pinball 1982-04 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
32 Spectrum 1982-06 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
33 Speakeasy 1982-08 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
34 Speakeasy 4 1982-09 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
35 Eight Ball Deluxe Limited Edition 1982-10 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
36 BMX 1983-01 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
37 Grand Slam (4P) 1983-03 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
38 Centaur II 1983-06 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
39 X's & O's 1984-02 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
40 Kings of Steel 1984-03 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
41 Black Pyramid 1984-07 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
42 Spy Hunter 1984-10 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
43 Eight Ball Deluxe (third version) 1984-XX Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
44 Fireball Classic 1985-02 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
45 Cybernaut 1985-05 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Bally MPU AS-2518-133 (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Baby Pac-Man 1982-10 Bally Bally Manufacturing Corporation
Grand Slam (2P) 1983-01 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Gold Ball 1983-10 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
4 Granny and the Gators 1984-01 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Bally MPU A084-91786-AH06 (6803) (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Eight Ball Champ 1985-08 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Beat the Clock 1985-11 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Lady Luck 1986-03 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
4 Black Belt 1986-06 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
5 Karate Fight 1986-06 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
6 Motordome 1986-06 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
7 Special Force 1986-09 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
8 Strange Science 1986-11 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
9 City Slicker 1987-03 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
10 Hardbody 1987-04 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
11 Party Animal 1987-05 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
12 Heavy Metal Meltdown 1987-08 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
13 Dungeons & Dragons 1987-10 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
14 Escape from the Lost World 1988-01 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
15 Blackwater 100 1988-03 Bally Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
16 Truck Stop 1988-12 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
17 Atlantis 1989-04 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
( 以降のBallyブランドの機種はWilliams名のMPU "System 11B" ~を使用 )
( 以降のBallyブランドの機種はWilliams名のMPUを使用 )
Williams System 3 (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Hot Tip 1977-09 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
Lucky Seven 1978-01 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
World Cup 1978-03 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
4 Contact 1978-05 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
5 Disco Fever 1978-08 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
Williams System 4 (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Pokerino 1978-10 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
Phoenix 1978-11 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
Flash 1979-01 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
4 Stellar Wars 1979-03 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
Williams System 6 (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Tri Zone 1979-07 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
Time Warp 1979-09 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
Gorgar 1979-12 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
4 Laser Ball 1979-12 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
5 Firepower 1980-02 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
6 Blackout 1980-06 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
7 Scorpion 1980-07 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
Williams System 6A (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Algar 1980-09 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
Alien Poker 1980-10 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
Williams System 7 (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Black Knight 1980-11 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
Jungle Lord 1981-02 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
Pharaoh 1981-05 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
4 Black Knight Limited Edition 1981-06 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
5 Solar Fire 1981-07 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
6 Barracora 1981-09 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
7 Cosmic Gunfight 1982-06 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
8 Varkon 1982-09 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
9 Warlok 1982-10 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
10 Defender 1982-12 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
11 Time Fantasy 1983-03 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
12 Joust 1983-04 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
13 Firepower II 1983-08 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
14 Laser Cue 1984-02 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
15 Star Light 1984-06 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
Williams System 9 (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Space Shuttle 1984-12 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
Sorcerer 1985-03 Williams Williams Electronics, Incorporated
Comet 1985-06 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Williams System 11 (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
High Speed 1986-01 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Grand Lizard 1986-04 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Road Kings 1986-07 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Williams System 11A (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Pin·Bot 1986-10 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Millionaire 1987-01 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
3 F-14 Tomcat 1987-03 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
4 Fire! 1987-08 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
5 Fire! Champagne Edition 1987-10 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Williams System 11B (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Big Guns 1987-10 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Space Station 1987-12 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Cyclone 1988-02 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
4 Banzai Run 1988-05 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
5 Swords of Fury 1988-06 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
6 Taxi 1988-08 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
7 Jokerz! 1988-12 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
8 Earthshaker! 1989-02 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
9 Black Knight 2000 1989-04 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
10 Transporter the Rescue 1989-06 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
11 Police Force 1989-08 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
12 Elvira and the Party Monsters 1989-10 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
13 Bad Cats 1989-11 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
14 Mousin' Around! 1989-12 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
15 Whirlwind 1990-01 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Williams System 11C (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
The Bally Game Show 1990-04 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Pool Sharks 1990-06 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Rollergames 1990-06 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
4 Diner 1990-09 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
5 Radical! 1990-09 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
6 Dr. Dude and His Excellent Ray 1990-11 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
7 Riverboat Gambler 1990-11 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
8 Bugs Bunny's Birthday Ball 1991-01 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Williams WPC (Alpha Numeric) (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Funhouse 1990-11 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Harley-Davidson 1991-02 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
The Machine: Bride of Pin·bot 1991-02 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Williams WPC (Dot Matrix) (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Gilligan's Island 1991-05 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1991-07 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Hurricane 1991-08 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
4 The Party Zone 1991-08 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Williams WPC (Fliptronics 1) (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
The Addams Family 1992-03 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Williams WPC (Fliptronics 2) (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
The Getaway: High Speed II 1992-02 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Black Rose 1992-07 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Doctor Who 1992-09 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
4 Fish Tales 1992-10 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
5 Creature from the Black Lagoon 1992-12 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
6 White Water 1993-01 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
7 Bram Stoker's Dracula 1993-04 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
8 Twilight Zone 1993-04 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
9 The Addams Family Special Collectors Edition 1994-10 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Williams WPC (DCS) (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure 1993-08 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Judge Dredd 1993-09 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Star Trek: The Next Generation 1993-11 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
4 Demolition Man 1994-02 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
5 Popeye Saves the Earth 1994-02 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Williams WPC Security (WPC-S) (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
World Cup Soccer 1994-02 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
The Flintstones 1994-07 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Corvette 1994-08 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
4 Red & Ted's Road Show 1994-10 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
5 The Shadow 1994-11 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
6 Dirty Harry 1995-03 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
7 Theatre of Magic 1995-03 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
8 No Fear: Dangerous Sports 1995-05 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
9 Indianapolis 500 1995-06 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
10 Johnny Mnemonic 1995-08 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
11 Whodunnit 1995-09 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
12 Jack·Bot 1995-10 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Williams WPC-95 (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Congo 1995-11 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Attack from Mars 1995-12 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Safe Cracker 1996-03 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
4 Tales of the Arabian Nights 1996-05 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
5 Scared Stiff 1996-09 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
6 Junk Yard 1996-12 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
7 NBA Fastbreak 1997-03 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
8 Medieval Madness 1997-06 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
9 Cirqus Voltaire 1997-10 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
10 No Good Gofers 1997-12 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
11 The Champion Pub 1998-04 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
12 Monster Bash 1998-07 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
13 Cactus Canyon 1998-10 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Williams Pinball 2000 (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Revenge From Mars 1999-01 Bally Midway Manufacturing Company
Star Wars Episode I 1999-06 Williams Williams Electronics Games, Incorporated
Stern M-100 MPU (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Pinball 1977-09 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
Stingray 1977-12 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
Stars 1978-03 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
4 Memory Lane 1978-06 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
5 Lectronamo 1978-08 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
6 Wild Fyre 1978-10 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
7 Nugent 1978-11 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
8 Dracula 1979-01 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
9 Trident 1979-03 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
10 Hot Hand 1979-05 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
11 Magic 1979-08 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
Stern M-200 MPU (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Meteor 1979-09 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
Galaxy 1980-01 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
Ali 1980-03 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
4 Big Game 1980-03 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
5 Seawitch 1980-05 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
6 Cheetah 1980-06 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
7 Quicksilver 1980-06 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
8 Flight 2000 1980-08 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
9 Star Gazer 1980-08 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
10 Nine Ball 1980-12 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
11 Freefall 1981-01 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
12 Lightning 1981-03 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
13 Split Second 1981-08 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
14 Catacomb 1981-10 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
15 Viper 1981-10 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
16 Dragonfist 1981-11 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
17 Iron Maiden 1982-01 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
18 Orbitor 1 1982-02 Stern Stern Electronics, Incorporated
Gottlieb System 1 (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
1 Cleopatra 1977-12 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
2 Sinbad 1978-02 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
3 Joker Poker 1978-06 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
4 Close Encounters of the Third Kind 1978-08 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
5 Dragon 1978-10 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
6 Charlie's Angels 1978-11 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
7 Solar Ride 1979-02 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
8 Count-Down 1979-04 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
9 Pinball Pool 1979-06 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
10 Totem 1979-08 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
11 Genie 1979-10 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
12 The Incredible Hulk 1979-10 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
13 Buck Rogers 1980-01 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
14 Roller Disco 1980-02 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
15 Torch 1980-02 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
16 Asteroid Annie and the Aliens 1980-12 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
Gottlieb System 80 (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
The Amazing Spider-Man 1980-05 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
Circus 1980-06 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
3 Panthera 1980-06 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
4 Counterforce 1980-08 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
5 James Bond 007 1980-10 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
6 Star Race 1980-10 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
7 Time Line 1980-12 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
8 Force II 1981-02 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
9 Mars God of War 1981-03 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
10 Pink Panther 1981-03 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
11 Volcano 1981-09 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
12 Black Hole 1981-10 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
13 Haunted House 1982-06 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
14 Eclipse 1982-08 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
Gottlieb System 80A (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Devil's Dare 1982-08 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
Caveman 1982-09 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
Rocky 1982-09 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
4 Spirit 1982-11 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
5 Striker 1982-11 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
6 Punk! 1982-12 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
7 Q*Bert's Quest 1983-03 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
8 Super Orbit 1983-05 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
9 Royal Flush Deluxe 1983-06 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
10 Amazon Hunt 1983-09 Gottlieb D. Gottlieb & Company
11 Rack 'Em Up! 1983-11 Gottlieb Mylstar Electronics, Incorporated
12 Ready...Aim...Fire! 1983-11 Gottlieb Mylstar Electronics, Incorporated
13 Jacks to Open 1984-05 Gottlieb Mylstar Electronics, Incorporated
14 Alien Star 1984-06 Gottlieb Mylstar Electronics, Incorporated
15 The Games 1984-08 Gottlieb Mylstar Electronics, Incorporated
16 El Dorado City of Gold 1984-09 Gottlieb Premier Technology
17 Touchdown 1984-10 Gottlieb Premier Technology
18 Ice Fever 1985-02 Gottlieb Premier Technology
Gottlieb System 80B (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Chicago Cubs "Triple Play" 1985-05 Gottlieb Premier Technology
Bounty Hunter 1985-07 Gottlieb Premier Technology
Tag-Team 1985-09 Gottlieb Premier Technology
4 Rock 1985-10 Gottlieb Premier Technology
5 Raven 1986-03 Gottlieb Premier Technology
6 Rock Encore 1986-04 Gottlieb Premier Technology
7 Hollywood Heat 1986-06 Gottlieb Premier Technology
8 Genesis 1986-09 Gottlieb Premier Technology
9 Gold Wings 1986-10 Gottlieb Premier Technology
10 Monte Carlo 1987-02 Gottlieb Premier Technology
11 Spring Break 1987-04 Gottlieb Premier Technology
12 Amazon Hunt II 1987-05 Gottlieb Premier Technology
13 Arena 1987-06 Gottlieb Premier Technology
14 Victory 1987-10 Gottlieb Premier Technology
15 Diamond Lady 1988-02 Gottlieb Premier Technology
16 TX-Sector 1988-03 Gottlieb Premier Technology
17 Robo-War 1988-04 Gottlieb Premier Technology
18 Bad Girls 1988-11 Gottlieb Premier Technology
19 Excalibur 1988-11 Gottlieb Premier Technology
20 Big House 1989-04 Gottlieb Premier Technology
21 Hot Shots 1989-04 Gottlieb Premier Technology
22 Bone Busters Inc. 1989-08 Gottlieb Premier Technology
23 Amazon Hunt III 1991-09 Gottlieb Premier Technology
Gottlieb System 3 (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Lights...Camera...Action! 1989-12 Gottlieb Premier Technology
Silver Slugger 1990-02 Gottlieb Premier Technology
Vegas 1990-07 Gottlieb Premier Technology
4 Deadly Weapon 1990-09 Gottlieb Premier Technology
5 Title Fight 1990-10 Gottlieb Premier Technology
6 Car Hop 1991-01 Gottlieb Premier Technology
7 Hoops 1991-02 Gottlieb Premier Technology
8 Cactus Jack's 1991-04 Gottlieb Premier Technology
9 Class of 1812 1991-08 Gottlieb Premier Technology
10 Surf 'n Safari 1991-11 Gottlieb Premier Technology
11 Operation: Thunder 1992-03 Gottlieb Premier Technology
12 Super Mario Bros. 1992-04 Gottlieb Premier Technology
13 Super Mario Bros. Mushroom World 1992-06 Gottlieb Premier Technology
14 Cue Ball Wizard 1992-10 Gottlieb Premier Technology
15 Street Fighter II 1993-03 Gottlieb Premier Technology
16 Tee'd Off 1993-05 Gottlieb Premier Technology
17 Wipe Out 1993-10 Gottlieb Premier Technology
18 Gladiators 1993-11 Gottlieb Premier Technology
19 World Challenge Soccer 1994-02 Gottlieb Premier Technology
20 Rescue 911 1994-05 Gottlieb Premier Technology
21 Freddy A Nightmare on Elm Street 1994-10 Gottlieb Premier Technology
22 Shaq Attaq 1995-02 Gottlieb Premier Technology
23 Stargate 1995-03 Gottlieb Premier Technology
24 Frank Thomas' Big Hurt 1995-06 Gottlieb Premier Technology
25 Waterworld 1995-10 Gottlieb Premier Technology
26 Mario Andretti 1995-12 Gottlieb Premier Technology
27 Barb Wire 1996-04 Gottlieb Premier Technology
Data East/Sega Version 1 (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Laser War 1987-05 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
Data East/Sega Version 2 (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Secret Service 1988-03 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
Torpedo Alley 1988-08 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
Time Machine 1988-12 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
4 Playboy 35th Anniversary 1989-05 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
5 Monday Night Football 1989-09 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
6 Robocop 1989-11 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
7 Phantom of the Opera 1990-01 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
Data East/Sega Version 3 (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Back to the Future 1990-06 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
The Simpsons 1990-09 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
3 Checkpoint 1991-02 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
4 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1991-05 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
5 Batman 1991-07 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
6 Star Trek 1991-10 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
7 Hook 1992-01 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
8 Lethal Weapon 3 1992-06 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
9 Star Wars 1992-10 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
10 Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends 1993-02 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
11 Jurassic Park 1993-04 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
12 Last Action Hero 1993-08 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
13 Tales from the Crypt 1993-11 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
14 The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard 1994-01 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
15 WWF Royal Rumble 1994-04 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
16 Guns N' Roses 1994-06 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
Data East/Sega Version 3b (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Maverick The Movie 1994-09 Data East Data East Pinball, Incorporated
2 Mary Shelley's Frankenstein 1995-01 Sega Sega Pinball, Incorporated
3 Baywatch 1995-02 Sega Sega Pinball, Incorporated
4 Batman Forever 1995-07 Sega Sega Pinball, Incorporated
Sega/Stern Whitestar (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Apollo 13 1995-10 Sega Sega Pinball, Incorporated
Goldeneye 1996-03 Sega Sega Pinball, Incorporated
Twister 1996-04 Sega Sega Pinball, Incorporated
4 Independence Day 1996-07 Sega Sega Pinball, Incorporated
5 Space Jam 1996-12 Sega Sega Pinball, Incorporated
6 Star Wars Trilogy 1997-03 Sega Sega Pinball, Incorporated
7 The Lost World Jurassic Park 1997-06 Sega Sega Pinball, Incorporated
8 The X Files 1997-09 Sega Sega Pinball, Incorporated
9 Starship Troopers 1997-12 Sega Sega Pinball, Incorporated
10 Viper Night Drivin' 1998-02 Sega Sega Pinball, Incorporated
11 Lost in Space 1998-05 Sega Sega Pinball, Incorporated
12 Godzilla 1998-08 Sega Sega Pinball, Incorporated
13 South Park 1999-02 Sega Sega Pinball, Incorporated
14 Harley-Davidson 1999-09 Sega Sega Pinball, Incorporated
15 Harley-Davidson (1st Edition) 1999-10 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
16 Striker Xtreme 2000-01 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
17 Sharkey's Shootout 2000-09 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
18 High Roller Casino 2001-01 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
19 Austin Powers 2001-06 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
20 Monopoly 2001-09 Stern/PLD Stern Pinball, Incorporated
21 NFL 2001-11 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
22 Playboy 2002-01 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
23 RollerCoaster Tycoon 2002-08 Stern/PLD Stern Pinball, Incorporated
24 Harley-Davidson 2nd Edition 2002-11 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
25 The Simpsons Pinball Party 2003-02 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
26 Harley-Davidson Third Edition 2003-04 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
27 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines 2003-06 Stern/SRP Stern Pinball, Incorporated
Stern Whitestar (modified) (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
The Lord of the Rings 2003-12 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
Ripley's Believe It or Not! 2004-03 Stern/PLD Stern Pinball, Incorporated
Elvis 2004-08 Stern/SRP Stern Pinball, Incorporated
4 The Sopranos 2005-02 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
5 Grand Prix 2005-06 Stern/PLD Stern Pinball, Incorporated
6 NASCAR 2005-08 Stern/PLD Stern Pinball, Incorporated
Stern S.A.M. Board System (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
World Poker Tour 2006-02 Stern/SRP Stern Pinball, Incorporated
Pirates of the Caribbean 2006-07 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
Family Guy 2007-02 Stern/PLD Stern Pinball, Incorporated
4 Spider-Man 2007-06 Stern/SRP Stern Pinball, Incorporated
5 Wheel of Fortune 2007-10 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
6 Shrek 2008-01 Stern/PLD Stern Pinball, Incorporated
7 Indiana Jones 2008-04 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
8 Batman 2008-07 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
9 CSI 2008-11 Stern/PLD Stern Pinball, Incorporated
10 24 2009-02 Stern/SRP Stern Pinball, Incorporated
11 NBA 2009-05 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
12 Big Buck Hunter 2010-01 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
13 Iron Man 2010-04 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
14 James Cameron’s Avatar 2010-08 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
15 The Rolling Stones 2011-02 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
16 Tron Legacy 2011-05 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
17 Transformers 2011-11 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
18 AC/DC 2012-03 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
19 X-Men 2012-06 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
20 The Avengers 2012-11 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
21 Star Trek 2013-01 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
22 Metallica 2013-04 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
23 Mustang 2014-04 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
24 The Walking Dead 2014-09 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
Stern SPIKE System (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Wrestlemania 2015-01 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
Whoa Nellie! Big Juicy Melons 2015-03 Stern/Whizbang Stern Pinball, Incorporated
Kiss 2015-05 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
4 Game of Thrones 2015-10 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
5 Ghostbusters 2016-04 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
6 The Pabst Can Crusher 2016-07 Stern/Whizbang Stern Pinball, Incorporated
7 Supreme 2018-05 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
8 Primus 2018-12 Stern/Whizbang Stern Pinball, Incorporated
9 Heavy Metal 2020-12 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
  Stern SPIKE 2 System (製造時期) ブランド メーカー
Batman 66 2016-12 Stern/Ka-Pow Stern Pinball, Incorporated
Aerosmith 2017-02 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
Star Wars 2017-06 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
4 Guardians of the Galaxy 2017-11 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
5 Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast 2018-03 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
6 Deadpool 2018-08 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
7 The Beatles 2018-11 Stern/Ka-Pow Stern Pinball, Incorporated
8 The Munsters 2019-01 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
9 Black Knight: Sword of Rage 2019-03 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
10 Jurassic Park 2019-08 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
11 Elvira's House of Horrors 2019-09 Stern/Whizbang Stern Pinball, Incorporated
12 Star Wars Comic Art 2019-10 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
13 Stranger Things 2019-12 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
14 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2020-06 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
15 Avengers: Infinity Quest 2020-09 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
16 Led Zeppelin 2020-12 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
17 The Mandalorian (Star Wars The Mandalorian) 2021-05 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
18 Godzilla 2021-09 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
19 Rush 2022-01 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
20 James Bond 007 2022-09 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
21 James Bond 007 60th Anniversary 2023-01 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
22 Foo Fighters 2023-03 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
23 Venom 2023-07 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
24 Jaws 2024-01 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
25 John Wick 2024-05 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
26 The Uncanny X-Men 2024-09 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
27 Metallica Remastered 2024-10 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated
28 Dungeons & Dragons: The Tyrant's Eye 2025-01 Stern Stern Pinball, Incorporated